Salma Berrada El Azizi

Posts by Salma Berrada El Azizi

A white image on a blue background featuring the MedOne ComSci logo in the upper left corner and three devices displaying webpages from Thieme MedOne ComSci: a computer, a tablet, and a smartphone.

Thieme MedOne ComSci

by on April 1, 2024 8:00 am
In honor of Autism Acceptance Month this April, we will look at a great recent addition to our collection that offers comprehensive audiology and speech-language pathology resources, including some excellent resources to support effective communication interventions for those working with children and adults on the autism spectrum: Thieme’s MedOne ComSci. This online platform combines comprehensive… Read more Thieme MedOne ComSci
visual dx logo with search interface on an ipad screen

Visual Dx

by on November 1, 2023 9:00 am
With over 43,000 curated medical images, Visual Dx offers health professionals a powerful tool to support the differential diagnosis process.  Once you have entered a symptom, medication, or diagnosis into the search box, the database will generate peer-reviewed photographs that visually represent potential medical conditions, such as skin diseases, ranked from most to least probable.… Read more Visual Dx