Text "Sam's Scholarly Snacks" on a yellow background with picture of popcorn on the border. Another graphic of a popcorn shape with the text "iD" in a green circle

5 ways to Utilize your ORCID iD

Did you know that according to the Stanford Open Access Policy, all members of the Academic Council are required to obtain an ORCID iD? Whether or not you are required to have one, there are many benefits to claiming your ORCID iD. Read on for five easy ways to utilize your ORCID! 

1. Use it as a Single Sign On (SSO)

Log in to article submission systems like Editorial Manager, data repositories like Dryad, or your My NCBI account. Not only will this save you time, but it will also allow you to import information from your ORCID account directly into the system, and vice versa. 

2. Use a QR Code to Direct People to Your Work

Ordering new business cards, presenting a conference poster, or giving a presentation? Generate a QR code that will send users directly to your ORCID record to learn more about your research.

3. Data Source for Biosketch

Save time by integrating your ORCID and SciENcv. Once the two systems are linked, you can populate biosketches using information from your ORCID record. Learn how to link your account to SciENcv by watching a brief video

4. Auto Populate using your Stanford Profile

Linking your ORCID record to your Stanford Profile is highly encouraged. Connecting the two accounts will allow your Stanford Profile information to populate your ORCID record automatically, keeping your ORCID record up to date with no effort! 

5. Have an Updated CV on the Ready 

Need an updated CV in a pinch? Use the “printable version” button on the upper righthand corner of your ORCID record page to print out your ORCID-generated CV or save it as a PDF. A red box highlights the printable version button on the ORCID record page. It is located just below the search bar.
Don’t yet have an ORCID? Use the Lane Library ORCID Guide to get started.

Sam’s Scholarly Snacks is a Lane Medical Library blog series that covers topics related to scholarly communication. If you would like to see a specific topic covered or have questions, please contact Sam Wilairat, Research Communications Librarian. 

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