ORCID logo: bright green circle with "iD" in white text

Add to Your ORCID Record & Share Your Impact

After you’ve claimed your ORCID iD, it’s time to add to your ORCID record. Completing information about yourself and your work and education history in the “Biography” section can help people find and recognize you. Publications, datasets, and other research outputs can be added in the “Works” section. There are myriad ways to add works to your ORCID record, and this page provides details on several options. If you use your ORCID iD when submitting your works for publication, it makes adding those works to your record even easier — in fact, many publishers will automatically send information about your publications to your ORCID record if you’ve shared your ORCID iD!

Once you’ve added information to your ORCID record in your Biography and Works sections, the next step is to make yourself findable. Every piece of information in your ORCID record has its own privacy settings and controls so you always have control over what information you share with the world. We encourage you to make as much of your record visible to “everyone” as you can. When information in your ORCID record is visible, it can be used to find you. The more information that you share, the easier it will be for people who are looking for your ORCID record to find it.

Interested in adding works to your record but not sure where to begin? Do you have questions about visibility settings and how to share your record? Remember that your Lane librarians are always here to help!

We are working together to assist you to claim your ORCID iD, add works to your record, share your record with the world, and link your research directly back to Stanford.  Please reach out to us with any questions and visit http://myorcid.stanford.edu/ to learn more.

This post was originally authored by Ashley Jester, Assistant Director at Stanford’s Science & Engineering Libraries for the Stanford Libraries Blog.

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