Lane Medical Library’s quarterly collaboration with Stanford’s Women in Technology (WIT) will draw on Dr. Hannah Valantine’s recent talk on broken rungs in leadership. We’ll explore the metaphors of leaky pipelines, broken rungs, and glass cliffs and ceilings as multiple barriers to women leaders.

Join us May 27 for Leaky Pipelines, Broken Rungs, Glass Cliffs and Ceilings: Women’s Leadership Challenges in Tech
In the spirit of barrier-free discussion, the materials and format are relevant to experienced leaders, new managers, or those considering a move to management in IT, healthcare, or other areas of the academic enterprise. Explore as many of the suggested readings and videos as you’d like before the group meets, or draw on your own lived experiences and knowledge. Discussion groups are great learning and networking activities, and allies are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Information and Registration
Discussion Group: Leaky Pipelines, Broken Rungs, Glass Cliffs and Ceilings: Women’s Leadership Challenges in Tech
May 27, 2021 1:00- 2:00 PM
Lane Library & Women in Technology discussion groups meet quarterly to explore issues related to gender in technology and leadership using brief readings, videos, and audio recordings. Explore more discussion groups offered by Lane Library.