Every month, we are spotlighting an amazing member of our library staff. This month meet Connie Wong, our Medical Education Librarian.

Meet Your Lane Library Staff: Connie Wong
What do you do at the library?
I am the medical education librarian and support all MD/PA students and teaching faculty in their learning, teaching, and medical education research at Stanford. I am also the library liaison for multiple clinical departments and health professionals, including all nurses of SHC and LPCH.
What do you like best about the people who use Lane Library?
Their curiosity and eagerness to learn and discover new knowledge.
What is the most rewarding (or favorite) part of your job?
I enjoy helping health professionals (both current and future) discover and apply our huge library resources in advancing their research and patients’ experience. While helping our users, I also learn a lot from their research and gain new knowledge and skills during the process
How long have you worked at Lane?
Almost 3 years
What do you do in your spare time?
Hiking, daydreaming, taking care of sick pets
Do you prefer…
Coffee or tea? Tea
Cats or dogs? Both (that’s the reason I work as a small animal veterinarian 😊)
Candy or cake? Neither – all my sweet teeth were pulled by my tooth fairy.
Salty or sweet? Either as long as the food is spicy
Print or digital books? Print – miss the “visual” satisfaction after you finish a “thick” book
Nonfiction or fiction? Nonfiction- we have enough drama in the last 12 months
Summer or winter? Summer but it must be dry like in bay area!