JBI, also known as Joanna Briggs Institute, is an international research organization at the University of Adelaide. JBI’s software, training, and evidence-based information resources are created to inform the decision making process and improve healthcare practices and health outcomes Two useful JBI resources available through Lane Library are System for the Unified Management, Assessment and Review of Information (SUMARI) and the Evidence-based Practice (EBP) database.
Lane Library’s subscription to JBI resources supports the clinical work and research activities of Stanford Medicine nurses
JBI’s Evidence-based Practice (EBP) Database provides key recommendations to support the decision-making process and includes the quality and level of evidence available. The EBP Database also includes descriptions of steps and processes for a wide range of evidence-based healthcare procedures. You can explore recommended searches, browse by subject area, or conduct their own search. New JBI reports can also be easily located through the JBI EBP portal.
The EBP Database includes evidence summaries for a wealth of topics; if you aren’t able to locate one for the topic you are interested in, you can submit a suggestion to JBI.
JBI SUMARI provides users with a robust tool to manage the systematic review process. It supports a variety of review types, facilitates the review process including study selection, data extraction, protocol development, and the writing of the systematic review report. It essentially provides the user with a word processor, reference manager, and data analysis tool in one web application.
To use SUMARI, start by creating an Ovid login and password and then use those credentials to log into SUMARI.
A curated collection of resources to support the work of our nurses can be found in Lane Library’s Nursing Subject Guide. If you need additional help with JBI or other nursing resources, contact Connie Wong, the nursing liaison librarian.