Text reading #ColorOurCollections with a historical image of a scientist scholar from our medical history center

Color Our Collections

Do you enjoy coloring or know someone who does? If so, check out Lane Library’s Medical History Center 2023 Coloring book.

Started by The New York Academy of Medicine Library in 2016, Color Our Collections is an annual coloring festival on social media organized by libraries, archives, and cultural institutions from around the globe. Each institution creates a PDF coloring book featuring images from their collections for free download. The new coloring books were released the first week of February, so now is an excellent time to explore them and start coloring!

The Lane Library Medical History Center coloring book was compiled by Drew Bourn, Medical History Center Curator. The coloring book features woodcuts published in 1496-1500 that illustrate Spanish, Italian, and Arabic medical traditions. You can also explore the Stanford University Libraries coloring book for more coloring pages!

Don’t forget to share your masterpieces with us @LaneLibStanford on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with the hashtag #ColorOurCollections!

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