COVID-19 Resources

A tremendous amount of COVID-19 related research is currently underway. Many scholarly publishers have made articles related to COVID-19 freely available and an increasing amount of important and valuable work is being posted on preprint servers such as medRxiv and bioRxiv.
Though our building is closed, Lane Library is ready to assist Stanford researchers and clinicians. Below we have highlighted efforts to collect, curate, and make the growing body of research related to COVID-19 available.
In the coming days, we will be providing links to additional resources, including those present in Lane Library’s collection. We are also continuing to provide support through our literature review service, document delivery, and other consultation and support services. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your department’s liaison librarian for further questions.
COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19)
Requested by the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset is a searchable collection of scholarly articles about COVID-19 and the coronavirus family of articles. The collection is also machine-readable, making it ready for analysis and study.
Contents: Downloadable full text of articles made available through PubMed Central, from a corpus maintained by the WHO, and preprints from bioRxiv and medRxiv as well as metadata for articles in PubMed, Microsoft Academic, and the WHO COVID-19 database (see below).
Updated: Weekly
LitCovid is a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about COVID-19 from the National Library of Medicine. Articles are categorized by different research topics and geographic locations for improved access.
Contents: Links to scholarly articles indexed in PubMed. Citation information for identified articles can also be downloaded in bulk.
Updated: Daily
The Stephen B. Thacker CDC Library is collecting COVID-19 research articles and compiling them into an easily accessible and downloadable database. The CDC library has also provided search strings and information for keeping up to date with articles made available through PubMed, Scopus, and the Ovid platform (e.g. Embase, PsycInfo).
Contents: Downloadable bibliographic information for articles identified through systematic searching of various bibliographic databases as well as hand searching selected grey literature sources.
Updated: Weekly
The WHO is gathering the latest scientific findings and knowledge on COVID-19 and compiling them into a database that is searchable by keyword, title, author, journal, or by general topic.
Contents: A searchable database of articles identified through searches of bibliographic databases, hand searches of the table of contents of relevant journals, and the addition of other relevant scientific articles. Citation information for identified articles can also be downloaded in bulk.
Updated: Daily (Monday through Friday)
A “living systematic review of the evidence” of studies on COVID-19 from the EPPI-Centre. Studies are categorized by different topics (e.g. those related to interventions, transmission, diagnosis, etc).
Contents: Title, abstract, and other biographic information for articles drawn from Medline and Embase.
Updated: Bi-weekly
Dimensions has released a spreadsheet containing all of the relevant publications, datasets, and clinical trials in their database that are related to COVID-19.
Contents: Bibliographical information for publications, datasets, and trials related to COVID-19.
Updated: Daily
COVID-19 Search Strategy
The Lane Library Research and Instruction Team has created a PubMed search string that includes the terms and phrases synonymous with COVID-19. The string below can be pasted directly into PubMed by researchers looking there for related publications. For additional help or to schedule a 1-1 consultation, please see the Lane Library literature review service.
(“covid 19” [tw] OR “novel coronavirus” [tw] OR “sars cov 2” [tw] OR “ncov 2019” [tw] OR (wuhan [tw] AND coronavirus [tw]) OR “corono virus” [tw] OR “coronavirus disease 2019” [tw] OR “coronavirus disease 19” [tw] OR “2019 ncov” [tw] OR “coronavirus 2” [tw] OR “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” [Supplementary Concept] OR “COVID-19” [Supplementary Concept]) AND english [lang]