AAMC Faculty Salary Report Update
The AAMC Faculty Salary Report has long been one of the most popular print books in Lane Library’s collection. Published in book form by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) since 1974, the report is “designed for academic medicine professionals intending to negotiate salary or use medical school faculty compensation information for benchmarking, strategic planning, or staff hiring and retention” (AAMC website). It provides three years of compensation data across many parameters including clinical specialty, degree, region, and private versus public schools. Data by gender was included in 2020 and earlier. It was removed from the print publication in 2021 and is only available with a digital license.
Lane Library emphasizes digital access to materials over print, and we have long requested a way to license The AAMC Faculty Salary Report for our users. While the AAMC provides digital licenses to the Salary Report and supporting data, it specifically excludes libraries from licensing. For libraries, purchasing a print copy was the only option.
Earlier this year, Lane Library learned that The AAMC Faculty Salary Report will no longer be published in print. This is disappointing news for medical librarians and their users. It has created a lot of chatter in medical library forums.
Even though Lane Library will no longer have the most current salary report available in our collection, Stanford Medicine affiliates may still gain access to the report. AAMC allows faculty, staff, residents and fellows of member institutions to purchase individual digital access to the salary report for $50. Stanford Medicine is a member institution.
How SoM users can purchase digital access to the Faculty Salary Report:
- Create an account on the AAMC website
- Call the AAMC Store to associate your account with the Stanford School of Medicine. They will ask you a few questions to verify your affiliation.
- AAMC: 202-828-0400
- Go to the AAMC store website and sign into your account
- Click on the AAMC Faculty Salary Report
- If your account was properly linked to Stanford, you should see the $50 member pricing for the report.
- If you see the $1150 price instead, your account is not properly associated with Stanford. Please call AAMC again or email them to correct your account.
Medical school programs or departments can purchase multiple subscriptions. Contact the AAMC Store to learn more.
Other sources containing compensation information can be found on the web with a little digging. As always, Lane Library’s liaison librarians are available to help you find what you need.
- Searching PubMed often leads to articles on salary and benefits compensation in clinical and specialty areas
- Medscape, owned by WebMD, often contains compensation ranges for early career practitioners
- Many job & career websites offer salary ranges for various types of health professionals.
Lastly, Lane Library still has print copies of previous reports, ending with the 2021 salary report. Print copies for 2015-2021 are on course reserve and may be checkout for a few hours. A Cardinal Print device is available in the library for scanning relevant tables.
You may also request scans of tables through Lane Library’s DocXpress Document Delivery Service. Please submit a book chapter request through your DocXpress account. They will deliver PDFs to you free of charge. Due to copyright restrictions, we cannot scanned the entire book.
Please contact LaneAskUs with any questions.