photo of Ariel Vanderpool

Meet Your Lane Library Staff: Ariel Vanderpool

Every month, we are spotlighting an amazing member of our library staff. This month, meet Ariel Vanderpool, a metadata librarian on our Resource Management Team.

What do you do at the library?

I’m one of the Metadata Librarians, with a primary focus on cataloging print books, enhancing documentation, and working on special projects (e.g.: gathering data to help collection development decisions).

What did you do before coming to Lane Library?

I’ve spent the past 5.5 years (2018-2023) working in public libraries in the area – Mountain View Public Library and Sunnyvale Public Library, both excellent! I started off in children’s and teen reference (so much joy!), then got to dive deep into the metadata, authority control, and data maintenance work that I’d begun to love when I worked here at Lane before (2005-2018, in Metadata, Acquisitions, and Access Services).

What are you most excited about in your new role?

It’s been wonderful getting to work with the lovely staff here at Lane again! Reconnecting with colleagues from my time here before and getting to know all of the excellent new people who’ve joined the team since I left has been such a pleasure. And it’s been really exciting starting to get to know the library’s new FOLIO system!

How long have you worked at Lane?

I’ve been here about 4 months so far in this new role, and about 13 years previously.

What do you do in your spare time?

I love to read! (Shocking for a librarian, I know, ha!) I’m constantly listening to eAudiobooks (and sometimes podcasts) on my headphones, anytime I possibly can – while commuting or doing things around the house – and the more reading I can fit into my days, the happier I am!

Do you prefer . . .

Coffee or tea?  Lately, I’ve been making tea at home and getting coffee out as a treat. I love them both!

Cats or dogs?  Alas, neither – I must opt for antihistamines instead (though I love them both from a distance).

Candy or cake?  Pie, if it’s available!

Salty or sweet?  Salty – please bring me all of the cheese and chips and french fries.

Print or digital books?  eAudiobooks are my absolute favorite! I love being read to, and I love finding new authors by following my favorite narrators.

Nonfiction or fiction?  Fiction for sure!

Summer or winter?  Spring and Fall – I love the sense of change and the milder temperatures.

One comment on “Meet Your Lane Library Staff: Ariel Vanderpool”

  1. Logged into my computer to find the full text of an article and I’m so glad I clicked on this instead. While I’m very happy with my career choice (Physical Therapist), this makes me feel like my second choice (Librarian) would have been equally fulfilling. And the “Do you prefer…” section confirms my belief that I should have more librarian friends!

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