Ready, Set, National Library Week, April 7-13, 2024.

It’s National Library Week!

National Library Week is an annual celebration highlighting the valuable role libraries, librarians, and library workers play in our communities. The American Library Association began celebrating National Library Week in 1957 in an effort to motivate people to read and support the use of libraries. 

This year, National Library Week is April 7-13. The 2024 theme is “Ready, Set, Library!” This action-oriented theme is a reminder that libraries are always at the ready to connect you to your community, new skills, and resources that expand your knowledge base. Lane Library is here to be your research partner.

During National Library Week, we also celebrate National Library Workers Day on April 9. This year, we are showcasing our amazing staff that make all of Lane Library’s resources and services available to you! Get to know our staff, both old and new, by reading some of our staff profiles. If you’re on campus, stop by the library to say hello and happy National Library Week!

One comment on “It’s National Library Week!”

  1. Your article for National Library Week captures the essence and importance of this celebration beautifully. The theme “Ready, Set, Library!” is especially engaging and highlights the proactive and dynamic role libraries play in education and community engagement. Recognizing the hard work of library staff and encouraging community interaction with them is a thoughtful touch. It’s great to see such enthusiasm and dedication to promoting library services and the people behind them. Keep up the fantastic work in highlighting these crucial community resources!

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