Faster Systematic Reviews with Covidence
The user-friendly interface of Covidence is designed to guide you through the literature and systematic review process. Experienced and novice researchers can benefit from using Covidence to decrease the time spent on a review by up to 35%.
Watch this short video to learn more about Covidence:
Key features include:
- Invite collaborators from anywhere in the world, regardless of their affiliation, to join your review in Covidence.
- Import up to 15,000 references into Covidence from reference managers and PubMed. Covidence supports EndNote XML, PubMed text format, and RIS text format for importing citations. Duplicates are automatically identified.
- The Cochrane Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) classifier is integrated into Covidence and will assign tags of “possible RCT” and “not RCT” to all imported studies. Use filters to exclude studies that are not RCTs.
- Screen titles, abstracts, and full text by highlighting keywords and phrases to quickly go through articles and make decisions on exclusion.
- Covidence supports single and dual screeners.
- Votes of screeners are recorded, including who voted and the reasons for exclusion, to allow for quick resolution of disagreements.
- Conflicts between reviewers are highlighted and summarized to allow for final decisions.
- Exclusion reasons, data extraction templates, and quality assessment templates are all customizable.
- Simplify populating risk of bias tables by highlighting and commenting on text directly in the PDF.
- Easily integrate the review with preferred statistics software by exporting a single, machine-readable file.
- Covidence provides 24/7 support and a knowledge base with helpful articles. Plus, the Covidence YouTube channel is filled with tutorials and quick tips.
Request an invitation to join Lane Library’s Covidence account using your Stanford-affiliated email address for access to unlimited reviews. Covidence is a web-based software that you can use from your desktop or mobile device.
Contact Lane Library or your liaison librarian for questions or additional support. Utilize our Literature Search Service for assistance with your search strategy creation and other support in the systematic review process.