Every month, we are spotlighting an amazing member of our library staff. This month meet Colleen Cuddy, Director of Research & Academic Collaboration.

Meet Your Lane Library Staff: Colleen Cuddy
What do you do at the library?
I am the Director of Research and Academic Collaboration. I lead fourteen incredible staff members and oversee Lane’s user-facing services such as research support, instruction and liaison programs, user experience, information and document services, and the Medical History Center. I investigate opportunities to improve Lane and develop and refine library programs and services to respond to institutional and user needs. I represent Lane in a variety of campus and national forums.
What do you like best about the people who use Lane Library?
The people who use Lane Library are some of the most brilliant and passionate people I have worked with during my career. The enthusiasm for their work is infectious. I am continually amazed by how generous our users are in sharing their knowledge and talent.
What is the most rewarding (or favorite) part of your job?
The most rewarding aspects of my job are connecting with colleagues, connecting colleagues with resources, collaborating on projects, working as a member of the D-CORE advisory committee and other JEDI initiatives, and mentoring staff. I also love to write about and present our work.
How long have you worked at Lane?
4 years, 4 months
What do you do in your spare time?
In my “spare” time I work on my Ph.D. in Organizational Development and Change and hang out with my family (husband, two teens, and doggie). I love to experience new things–that may be a family vacation in Vietnam, attending a live performance or an exhibit, checking out a new restaurant, or finding the perfect secluded beach. And, of course, I read…
Do you prefer . . .
Coffee or tea? Tea. I dislike coffee and anything that tastes like coffee.
Cats or dogs? Dogs, dogs, and more dogs
Candy or cake? Candy
Salty or sweet? Both, especially together, dark chocolate with sea salt is genius
Print or digital books? Digital is my go-to.
Nonfiction or fiction? Both. I love a good mystery, but I also devour books on nutrition and health, organizational development, and human behavior.
Summer or winter? Summer