On November 19th, Stanford’s Faculty Senate approved an Open Access Policy for the university. The adoption of this policy demonstrates Stanford’s commitment to openness in research.
Stanford Faculty Senate Approves an Open Access Policy
The policy relates to self-archiving of scholarly work and does not dictate where authors can choose to publish their work. The policy includes three items, which we have summarized below:
Resolution Establishing an Open Access Policy
The policy states that members of the Academic Council will grant Stanford University permission to make available his or her scholarly articles and to exercise the copyright in those articles. In practice, this will involve submitting the final version of articles to the Stanford Digital Repository, where they will be made available to the public under an open license.
Establishing an Office of Scholarly Communications
The policy recommends the establishment of an Office of Scholarly Communication, based in the Stanford Libraries, to be responsible for interpreting the University’s Open Access policy, resolving disputes concerning its interpretation and application, and recommending changes to the Academic Senate.
Adoption of ORCID IDs
Each member of the Academic Council will obtain an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID ID), with assistance provided as necessary by the Stanford Libraries.
Use these resources to learn more about the new policy, open access, and ORCID IDs:
If you have questions related to open access or ORCID iDs or would like to schedule a 1-1 consultation, reach out to your liaison librarian. You can also consult to resources below: