As a new Stanford medical or physician assistant student, you now have access to a wide range of services and resources through Lane Medical Library.
Welcome New MD & PA Students
- MD/PA Students Subject Guide: Library Resources just for you.
- Literature Search Service: Working on a systematic review? Case report? Clinical pathway? Have the experts help you with the literature review!
- DocXpress Document Delivery Service: Our document delivery team will obtain articles, books, or book chapters not available at Stanford at no charge to you.
Anatomy Resources
Exam Prep Resources
- UWorld Step 1 QBank
- Kaplan QBank 1
- Rosh Review PANCE & Rotation Exams
- PA Exam Prep
- Exam Master Online: Register with Stanford email.
- BoardVitals: Register with Stanford email and access PANCE & USMLE QBanks.
Supplemental Learning Resources
- Thieme MedOne Education E-book collection: Online journal and E-book service featuring hundreds of books, images, videos, audio, and playlists with an emphasis on education.
- AccessMedicine E-book & video collections: A repository of medical knowledge from internal medicine, cardiology, genetics, pharmacy, diagnosis and management, basic sciences, patient care, and more.
- AccessMedicine Case Files: A collection of real-life cases spanning the basic biomedical sciences and clinical medicine.
- The Stanford Medicine 25: Promoting the culture of bedside medicine.