PubMed is Getting a New Look

PubMed Labs

In early 2020 the default PubMed search page will be updated to a new design. The new design will be mobile-responsive so you can easily search using a phone or tablet.

Here are a few of the changes:

1. Search results will be sorted by best match by defaultNOT by most recent!

You have likely seen best match results in the current PubMed in a box above your normal search results. Best match sorts the results by relevancy using an algorithm that looks at multiple factors, including: how frequently your search terms appear in a particular PubMed reference; the publication type, e.g., practice guideline, clinical trial; systematic review; etc.; and the frequency of clicks to abstracts and full-text.  

2. New Cite and Share options

Use the Cite button to generate an AMA, NLM,  APA or MLA formatted citation for an article. Use the Share button to easily share the article reference via Facebook or Twitter or as copy-able URL.

Try out the new features at PubMed Labs and be sure to leave feedback for the developers!

2 comments on “PubMed is Getting a New Look”

  1. Can there finally be a “cited by” option for articles, either built in by PubMed or overlain by Stanford? I’m tired of having to open a separate window for Google Scholar (apologies to Web of Science/other science citation indices, Google Scholar is just that much easier to use), then having to click/drag the resulting citing article name back into Lane-linked PubMed to ensure I have highest chance of access to full-text.

    1. Hi Peter, thanks for your comment! PubMed currently has a ‘cited by’ feature (right sidebar), but it only shows articles that are in PubMed Central that have cited the reference. Though, on the plus side, full-text is available for all references that are in PubMed Central. You can also leave feedback via

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