Lane+ Search Now Includes Biomedical Resources from Stanford University Libraries

Based on our study of needs across Stanford Medicine, we have added over 2 million journals, books, databases, videos, datasets and other resources licensed by SUL to the Lane+ core – 30 million PubMed articles and the Lane collection of biomedical resources.
Try search Major Depressive Disorder.

What’s new:
- SUL resources added to Lane+ cover Psychology, Social and Environmental sciences, Ethics and Education.
- The Lane+ search service
aims to be inclusive but let us know if
something from SUL is missing
- PubMed and SUL data in Lane+ are updated daily
About Lane+
Our content discovery platform — Lane+Search — is designed to be a quick starting point for biomedical researchers, combining content from PubMed (30M biomedical article descriptions) with Lane Catalog (300K bibliographic descriptions), the Lane Website, Lane Classes, Lane Blog. As interdisciplinary biomedical research continues to evolve, we’re improving Lane+ search to include licensed resources residing in Stanford systems external to Lane.