Meet Your Lane Library Staff: Latasha Means
Every month, we are spotlighting an amazing member of our library staff. This month meet Latasha Means, our new Metadata Librarian.
What do you do at the library?
I am Lane’s new Metadata Librarian! The work that I do is mostly behind-the-scenes: creating, cleaning and organizing our bibliographic data; making sure library resources are discoverable to users; training staff on new workflows and processes; cataloging new acquisitions and maintaining the library’s catalog.
What did you do before coming to Lane Library?
Before working at Lane, I worked for about 10 years at the University of California, Merced’s academic research library. There, I was also responsible for metadata creation and maintenance for the library’s print, physical, and special collections. I also worked at UCM Library throughout my undergraduate career with roles and responsibilities in Technical Services, Access Services, Exhibits and Special Collections, and Library Administration units. I worked in libraries for a total of around 12 years before pursuing and earning my MLIS in 2022, and am simply ecstatic to progress in my career as an official Librarian!
What are you most excited about in your new role?
I’m excited to help Lane transform their metadata and increase discoverability for the amazing resources they offer researchers and patrons at Stanford’s School of Medicine. It’s always exciting learning a new Integrated Library System, and I am enjoying working with the new FOLIO system at Lane. Getting to know the fantastic group of people that I work with has also been exciting.
How long have you worked at Lane?
I joined Lane during the second week of October 2024, so I’m still feeling very brand new!
What do you do in your spare time?
In my spare time, I like to tend to my many houseplants and go on mini adventures with my mom and fur-child, Zola. Some of my favourite things to do on a weekend include wandering around museums and libraries, exploring new and interesting cuisines and recipes (I’m a self-proclaimed foodie!), traveling to new places, consuming live music and singing along. 🙂
Do you prefer . . .
Coffee or tea?
Both are great for different moods! A nice cup of coffee gets me ready for the day while curling up with a cup of tea is perfect for relaxing after work.
Cats or dogs?
I’m an animal lover in general, but dogs hold a special place in my heart. My rat terrier-chihuahua rescue, Zola, is the sweetest girl and is my absolute favorite.
Candy or cake?
While chocolate is one of my weaknesses, I absolutely love cake and pastries. I watch a lot of the Great British Bake Off, and would love to be a guest judge just to taste everything!
Salty or sweet?
This is rough, because my first instinct is to say “both!”
Print or digital books?
Print! Although I have a decent eBook library, my collection of print titles is not only larger but more sentimental. I appreciate the convenience of digital books and have read my fair share of eBooks; however, nothing can replace the feeling of turning pages or the nostalgia that accompanies the smell of a printed book.
Nonfiction or fiction?
I prefer fiction books as they’ve always been able to transport me to their world. Creativity inspires me, and I love the inspiration I get from being an avid reader of literature.
Summer or winter?
Without any hesitation, I’ll choose winter. Summers in my hometown expose its residents to a dry, smoldering heat that reaches over 105 degrees for weeks at a time. That’s not for me!