Katie Stinson with a slight smile taking a selfie in a circular frame with orange, yellow, and green decorative circles behind the photo on a teal background

Meet Your Lane Library Staff: Katie Stinson

Every month, we are spotlighting an amazing member of our library staff. This month meet Katie Stinson, Access Services Specialist.

What do you do at the library?

I am one of the first faces you meet when you come into the library and I’m also here to help you with quick searches or to check out books. Behind the scenes, I help out in different areas of the library. I am on the Marketing Communications Team and do a lot of the graphic work and write some of these blog posts. I coordinate with our History Curator, Drew Bourn, to design the Medical History Center exhibits. You should come to the library see our latest exhibit about Sam McDonald! I handle logistics for our book clubs and the Research and Instruction team’s classes. I’ve even participated in a few events recently, like the Banned Books Week Celebration!

What do you like best about the people who use Lane Library?

I love how curious the Stanford community is! There’s tons of research and searching going on; there’s a constant quest for new knowledge, which speaks to my heart. There are people at the library all day long, studying or collaborating, or even just getting some rest.

What is the most rewarding (or favorite) part of your job?

I love when I’m able to help a patron find what they’re looking for. My favorite part of my job is the creative work I get to do, like the exhibits and signage.

How long have you worked at Lane?

I’ve been here for a little over 4 and a half years now!

What do you do in your spare time?

Like a true (almost) librarian, I love to read – all the time. I’m a graduate student at San Jose State University’s School of Information; I’m getting my Master’s in Library and Information Science. My goal is to graduate next December – I’m super excited! I also love to wander Target to find cute clothes (cardigans are my first love) and decorations; my desk is by the window, so I like to keep it decorated with little trinkets and plants.

Do you prefer . . .

Coffee or tea? Coffee!

Cats or dogs? Both – I have two dogs and a cat, so I couldn’t decide!

Candy or cake? I’d take cake over candy any day.

Salty or sweet? Salty and then a little bit of sweetness to balance it out (like pretzels with chocolate).

Print or digital books? For reading, I choose digital books, but I collect print books for titles that I fall in love with. When I moved back across the country after college, I had to weed back my collection; I’m finally getting back to growing it again.

Nonfiction or fiction? I love fiction; romance, rom-coms, and historical fiction in particular. Every once in a while, I’ll get into a nonfiction mood, and read some books from Mary Roach or biographies.

Summer or winter? Fall is my favorite season, but winter is a very close second.

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