New PubMed is here!


When you visit PubMed you will see a blue banner inviting you to try the new PubMed. The biggest change is that your search results will be sorted by a “best match” ranking by default not by the “most recent” ranking.

The best match sort uses an algorithm to quickly identify the most relevant results. Switching the sort option allows you to go back to sorting results by most recent. You will notice that your search terms are now bolded in the results list.

The new website is mobile responsive and has improved navigational features. You can now quickly look through your search results by clicking “NEXT RESULT” or “PREV RESULT” result arrows.

There is also a “PAGE NAVIGATION” sidebar on the right which allows you to jump quickly to the different sections of the record like similar articles or Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms. You will also notice Cite and Share options which allow you to quickly grab a formatted citation or share the record on social media or by a link.

You may also notice the new Article Attribute filter which allows you to look for records with associated data attached. This allows you to target records of publications with supplementary data attached or located in a repository. This feature is still very new, but can be used to locate the datasets associated with research.

There’s also been a change in how you download PubMed references to citation managers like EndNote and Zotero.

  • Method 1: Run your search, then select Send to: Citation manager to export your references.
  • Method 2: Run your search, then select Save and change the Format from Summary to PubMed.  

Not quite ready to make the switch? You can switch back to legacy PubMed by clicking on the link in the yellow banner at the top of the window. However, the new PubMed will become the default in the spring of 2020.

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